Monday, November 19, 2012

Meet Cindy Futch Burgoyne

What is your occupation? 
Unemployed (20 year sales veteran)

What is your college major?
Organizational Leadership w/ Spanish Concentration

How did you come about choosing this major? 
I have over 20 years of  experience in Organizational Leadership, and thought this was the perfect degree to fit with my profession.

What career path do you want to take upon graduation? 
Sales Manager or CEO

Why eMajor?  
Flexibility of hours.

Who is the biggest inspiration for your education? 
My family.

What is something cool you've learned this semester in eMajor? 
There are many other non-traditional students like myself re-educating themselves. 

What three words would you use to describe one of your online instructors? Supportive, available, intelligent.

Where is your favorite place to visit in the USA? 
New York. It's where I am from.

What kind of mood are you in right now, and why? 
I am in a great mood as I am closer to my degree!!

Your favorite study spot? 
Outside on the grass.

What is something your online classmates don't know about you? 
I'm 47, speak Spanish, and I ride my own motorcycle.

Is there anything else you would like to share about yourself? 
I feel so much better since I decided to finish my education.

1 comment:

  1. It is great to meet you, Cindy! I am glad that eMajor seems to be the "right program at the right time" for you. In addition, I am impressed with the fact that you ride a motorcycle!! You go, girl!
